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Overcoming Your Giants

Hiya! I don't want to start this post by saying sorry I haven't written in a while but I probably should. So, sorry that I haven't written in a while! There have been a lot of things happening over here in Ireland and, honestly, I was unsure of what to write or how to keep you all updated with everything going on.  While I won't disclose everything, I do want to try and communicate what the Lord has been doing! These past couple months have been filled with a range of raw emotions, times of joy, and many many difficulties and trials. I have struggled to the point of not wanting to be here anymore and had moments of being blind to the reason behind me coming here. I remember sitting in my bedroom in tears and getting a text from a good friend back home saying, "Don't forget why you went there." I think that was a big moment for me because I never realized or vocalized that reality- I had forgotten why I even came to Ireland. I had let the hard times ...

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